Adaptive Traffic Control AG


In the more than 25 years of our existence, we have carried out many projects, mainly with our own products. Here is a selection of our references. If you are interested in a reference in detail, we are happy to provide information and can also name a respondent.

1995-2020 (approx.): Zurich city (consulting and projects)
Traffic jam observation with short detectors, basic traffic control strategies for public transport and individual traffic, best green phase duration calculation, public transport and individual traffic coordination, lane assignments, integrated quality measurement tools, city area progression speed evaluation

1995 to date: pCoq Spy (component for product use)
Traffic observer basing on synchronized simulation with online detector measurements, partially patented for a while; output can be used for 3d animations

1996 to date: pCoq (product)
Generalized traffic and traffic quality evaluation tool, using measurements from inside the traffic control system; online version is also used for rule-based adaptive network control

1998-2001: Schweizerhalle BL (project)
Highway deviation system "Schweizerhalle" (during tunnel works): when traffic slows down on highway, take off a part of the traffic to the secondary road. When secondary roads jams as well, keep traffic on highway
Project executed in collaboration Bergauer AG, Dättwil

2001-2003: Belchen BL (project)
Temporary highway speed control system for Belchen tunnel works: slow down traffic at the right moment in order to increase capacity, and then increase end of spillback safety
Project executed in collaboration Bergauer AG, Dättwil

2001-2005: Luzern and Emmen LU (projects using own products)
City-wide traffic observation and control room display basing on loop coil detector slope data and traffic signal state change data only

2001 to date: GPS Analyzer (product)
GPS-based traffic and traffic control evaluation tool, system-independent, enabling the user to systematically measure time loss on street segments; can also be used for public transport issues; online version nowadays also used for data merging with FCD and detector data

2001-2010 (approx.): TIP – Beijing traffic information platform (project using own products)
City-wide traffic observation and control room display for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, combining data from different systems and calculating average speed on segments; system output is also being used for VMS (variable message sign) display
Project executed in collaboration with Delineate Information Technology Ltd., Beijing

2003-2006: KONTRAST to VS-PLUS, city of Dusseldorf (project using own products)
Mapping of proprietary KONTRAST traffic engineering parameters (tool for intersection control development) to standardized VS-PLUS parameters
Project executed in collaboration with Verkehrs-Systeme AG, Muttenz

2005-2008: Beijing (consulting, engineering)
Several street planning projects including observation, simulations, design recommendations for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
Project executed in collaboration with Delineate Information Technology Ltd., Beijing

2005-2008: Leipzig (project using own products)
TLS to OCIT gateway for city and highway management: bidirectional interface converter between highway and city standards
Project executed in collaboration with GEVAS Software, Munich

2005-2019: VS-Wizard (product)
Graphical traffic control development tool that maps all configuration input to standardized traffic control parameters; enables the user to develop quickly a traffic-actuated control, for simulation and for field use
Project executed in collaboration with Verkehrs-Systeme AG, Muttenz

2007 to date: Road Accident Photogrammetry and Report Drawing System (product)
Mobile system for road accident documentation (picture taking, pattern recognition, photogrammetric geometry mapping, diagram drawing), enabling faster clearing of accident sites
Project executed in collaboration with Delineate Information Technology Ltd., Beijing

2007-2016 (approx.): Winterthur (consulting)
City control strategy documentation, traffic safety compliance audit, traffic control and management strategy improvement plan

2009 to date: pCoq Net (product)
Rule-base area control, i.e., not model-based (which is the common approach), entirely basing on standardized parameters for traffic observation and control, able to use purely detector-based observation output as car counts, time loss, spillback length for control decision definition, easily maintainable by customer

2011-2013: simTD (project using own products)
German research project for testing all kinds of C2X applications; participating for purely GPS-based and mixed (GPS with detectors) traffic-actuated intersection control, participating for phase change prediction while assuring traffic-actuated control including public transport priority
Project executed in collaboration with Verkehrs-Systeme AG, Muttenz

2011 to date: Solothurn and Olten, Bern-Wankdorf (projects using own products)
Rule-base area control system using distributed intelligence (central and intersection controller) and parameters only, for control development and online control decisions
Project executed in collaboration with Verkehrs-Systeme AG and Rudolf Keller & Partner Verkehrsingenieure AG, both Muttenz

2011 to date: Solothurn and Olten automated count management system (project using own products)
City data collection and canton (province) data import from federal data, detector plausibility checking, alarm generation, value replacement, and statistical form generation

2013 to date: VPDB (product)
General traffic data management tool, entirely file-based, highly portable, fast data access, space-saving, can automatically build data archives; communicates easily with our products and supports international standards (, OCIT) as well as some proprietary protocols

2013-2018: Data merging for travel time calculation (project using own products)
Development of data merging algorithms for the country-wide travel time calculation and prediction system (Vehicle Information and Communication System), merging FCD and detector measurements
Project executed in collaboration with VICS (Vehicle Information and Communication System), Japan

2014 to date: Online detector data plausibility (product module in the pCoq family)
Development and application of (loop coil) detector slope data plausibility algorithms against erroneous oscillations and continuous occupation times, online and offline

2014 to date: Basel automated traffic quality evaluation system (project using pCoq modules)
Calculating traffic quality and traffic control quality for city-wide quality assurance system; a generalization from counts to general quality criteria of the Solothurn and Olten count management system

2018 to date: Zurich County traffic data archive (project using own products)
Data collection and archive building out of proprietary OZS 3 protocols. VPDB realizes the yearly archives by intersection and date, using about 4 MB by file.
Project executed in collaboration Bergauer AG, Dättwil

2018 to date: Zurich County traffic quality evaluation infrastructure (project using pCoq modules)
A customized pCoq in a VPN environment is available to all involved government agencies and engineering offices, having rapid access to the VPD archives.

2020: Zurich County Accident detector and signal timing visualization tool (project using pCoq modules)
Quick timing detail access basing on pCoq services

2020-2021: Traffic data logging by detectors used for traffic light control (research using pCoq modules)
[Verkehrsdatenerfassung über Sensoren von LSA]
Research report with Swiss Association of Road and Transport Experts (VSS) and Swiss Federal Roads Office (ASTRA)
Project executed in collaboration with Marty + Partner Ingenieurbüro AG, Zollikon

2021-2022: Zurich County detector count quality evaluation tool (project using pCoq modules)
Efficient count quality detail evaluation basing on pCoq services